Papers published 2008-2013
García-Pina R, Tobías A, Sanz-Navarro J, Navarro-Sánchez C, García-Fulgueiras A.
Efecto del calor sobre el número de urgencias hospitalarias en la Región de Murcia durante los veranos del período 2000-2005 y su uso en la vigilancia epidemiológica.
Revista Española de Salud Pública 2008; 82: 153-166
Pareja A, Payeras A, Roca P, Tobías A, Díaz MP, Pérez MC.
Incidencia de Staphylococcus aureus Resistente a la Meticilina y de Escherichia coli-Klebsiella pneumoniae con producción de b-Lactamasa de Espectro Ampliado en el Hospital de Son Llàtzer, durante el periodo 2003-2006: Un análisis de serie temporal
Medicina Balear 2008; 23: 25-31
(Premio Oxidoc-Medicina de urgencias 2007 de la Real Academia de Medicina de las Illes Balears)
Pérez L, Tobías A, Querol X, Alastuey A, Viana M, Pey J, González-Cabré M, Valero N, Kunzli N, Sunyer J.
Coarse particles from Saharan dust and daily mortality.
Epidemiology 2008; 19: 800-807.
[20 Minutos | Diari de Girona | El Economista | Agencia SINC]
Tobías A, Saez M, Galán I, Banegas JR.
Point-wise estimation of non-linear effects of airborne pollen levels on asthma emergency room admissions. [letter]
Allergy 2009; 64: 961-962.
Linares C, Díaz J, Tobías A.
Are the limit valures proposed by the new european directive 2008/50 for PM2.5 safe for health? [commentary]
European Journal of Public Health 2009; 19: 357-358
Perez K, Mari-Dell'Olmo M, Borrell C, Nebot M, Villalbi JR, Santamariña-Rubio E, Tobías A.
Impact of relaxing licensing requirements for motorcycle driving on traffic injuries: a time series analysis.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2009; 87: 497-504
[El Pais | Agencia SINC]
Carracedo-Martinez E, Tobías A, Saez M, Taracido M, Figueiras A.
Fundamentos y aplicaciones del diseño de casos cruzados.
Gaceta Sanitaria 2009; 23: 161-165.
Pérez L, Medina-Ramón M, Kuenzli N, Alastruey A, Pey J, Pérez N, Tobías A, Querol X, Sunyer J.
Size fractionate particulate matter, vehicular traffic, and case-specific daily mortality in Barcelona (Spain).
Environmental Science & Technology 2009; 43: 4707-4714.
Tobías A, de Olalla PG, Linares C, Bleda MJ, Caylà JA, Díaz J.
Short-term effects of extreme hot summer temperatures on total daily mortality in Barcelona, Spain.
International Journal of Biometeorology 2010; 54: 115-117.
Novoa AM, Pérez K, Santamariña-Rubio E, Marí-Dell'Olmo M, Tobías A.
Effectiveness of speed enforcement through fixed speed cameras: a time series study.
Injury Prevention 2010; 16: 12-16.
Linares C, Tobías A, Díaz J.
Is there new scientific evidence to justify reconsideration of the current WHO guidelines for particulate matter during dust intrusions?
Science of the Total Environment 2010; 408: 2283–2284.
Galán I, Prieto A, Rubio M, Herrero T, Cervigón P, Cantero JL, Gurbindo MD, Martínez MT, Tobías A.
Association between airborne pollen and epidemic asthma in Madrid (Spain). A case-control study.
Thorax 2010; 65: 398-402.
Hajat S, Sheridan SC, Allen MJ, Pascal M, Laaidi K, Yagouti A, Bickis U, Tobías A, Bourque D, Armstrong BG, Kosatsky T.
Which days of hot weather are identified as dangerous by Heat-Health Warning Systems? A comparison of the predictive capacity of different approaches.
American Journal of Public Health 2010; 100: 1137-1144.
Carracedo-Martinez E, Taracido M, Tobías A, Saez M, Figueiras A.
Case-crossover analysis of air pollution health effects: a systematic review of methodology and application.
Environmental Health Perspectives 2010; 118: 1173-1182
Novoa AM, Pérez K, Santamariña-Rubio E, Marí-dell’Olmo M, Ferrando J, Peiro R, Tobías A, Zori P, Borrell C.
Impact of the penalty points system on road traffic injuries in Spain: A time-series study.
American Journal of Public Health 2010; 100: 2220-2227.
Catalá-Lopez F, Tobías A.
Incidencia de cáncer de mama en mujeres con esclerosis multiple. Metanálisis de estudios observacionales de cohortes.
Revista de Neurología 2010; 51: 513-519.
Rodríguez-Sánchez JA, Cuesta-Frechoso S, Tobías A, Sicilia-Felechosa A.
Exactitud de los sistemas de cirugía guiada para implantología oral. Revisión sistemática.
Revista del Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de Espana 2010; 15: 301-311.
(Premio Nacional a la Mejor Publicación de la RCOE en el año 2010)
Novoa AM, Pérez K, Santamariña-Rubio E, Marí-Dell'Olmo M, Cozar R, Ferrando J, Peiró-Pérez R, Tobías A, Zori P, Borrell C.
Road safety in the political agenda: the impact on road traffic injuries.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2011; 65: 218-225
Torá-Rocamora I, Delclos J, Martínez JM, Tobías A, Jardí J, Alberti C, Manzanera R, Villar JD, Delgado M, Benavides FG.
Comparacion entre Andalucía y Cataluña de la frecuencia de incapacidad laboral durante la gripe (H1N1) 2009.
Revista Española de Salud Publica 2011; 85: 97-104
Karanasiou A, Moreno T, Amato F, Lumbreras J, Narros A, Borge R, Tobías A, Boldo E, Linares C, Pey J, Reche C, Alastuey A, Querol A.
Road dust contribution to PM levels - Evaluation of the effectiveness of street washing activities by means of Positive Matrix Factorization.
Atmospheric Environment 2011; 45: 2193-2201.
Tobías A, Cayla JA, Pey J, Alastuey A, Querol X.
Are Saharan dust intrusions increasing the risk of meningococcal meningitis?
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2011; 15: e503.
Díez S, Esbrí JM, Tobías A, Higueras P.
Determinants of exposure to mercury in hair from inhabitants of the largest mercury mine in the world.
Chemosphere 2011; 84: 571-577.
Cordoba P, Font O, Izquierdo I, Querol X, Tobías A, Lopez-Anton MA, Ochoa-Gonzalez R, Diaz-Somoano M, Martinez-Tarazona MR, Ayora C, Leiva C, Fernandez C, Gimenez A.
Enrichment of inorganic trace pollutants in re-circulated water streams from a wet limestone flue gas desulphurisation system in two coal power plants.
Fuel Processing Technology 2011: 92; 1764-1775.
Carrasco L, Barata C, García-Berthou E, Tobías A, Bayona JM, Díez S.
Patterns of mercury and methylmercury bioaccumulation in fish species downstream of a long-term mercury-contaminated site in the lower Ebro River (NE Spain).
Chemosphere 2011; 84: 1642-1649.
Dadvanda P, Basagana, Figueras F, Amolye E, Tobías A, de Nazelle A, Querol X, Sunyer J, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ.
Saharan dust episodes and pregnancy.
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2011; 13: 3222-3228.
Ostro B, Tobías A, Querol X, Alastuey A, Amato F, Pey J, Pérez N, Sunyer J.
The effects of particulate matter sources on daily mortality: a case-crossover study of Barcelona, Spain.
Environmental Health Perspectives 2011; 119: 1781-1787
Tobías A, Pérez L, Díaz J, Linares C, Pey J, Alastruey A, Querol X.
Short-term effects of particulate matter on total mortality during Saharan dust outbreaks: a case-crossover analysis in Madrid (Spain).
Science of the Total Environment 2011: 412-413; 386-389.
Tomás-Carmona I, Diz P, Tobías A, Scully C, Donos N.
Periodontal health status and bacteraemia from daily oral activities: systematic review/meta-analysis.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2012; 39: 213-228.
Torá-Rocamora I, Delclos GL, Martínez JM, Jardi J, AlbertiC, Yasui Y, Cleries R, Tobías A, Benavides FG.
Occupational health impact of the 2009 H1N1 flu pandemic: surveillance of sickness absence.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012; 69: 205-210
Tobías A, Armstrong B, Zuza I, Gasparrini A, Linares C, Díaz J.
Mortality on extreme heat days using official thresholds in Spain: a multi-city time series analysis.
BMC Public Health 2012; 12: 133
Díaz J, Tobías A, Linares C.
Saharan dust and association between particulate matter and case-specific mortality: A case-crossover analysis in Madrid (Spain).
Environmental Health 2012; 11: 11
Mendivil J, García-Altés A, Pérez K, Marí-Dell'Olmo M, Tobías A.
Speed cameras in an urban setting: a cost-benefit analysis.
Injury Prevention 2012; 18: 75-80.
Karanasiou A, Moreno T, Amato F, Tobías A, Boldo E, Linares C, Lumbreras J, Borges R, Alastuey A, Querol X.
Variation of PM2.5 concentrations in relation to street washing activities and meteorological parameters.
Atmospheric Environment 2012; 54: 465-469.
Cirera L, García-Marcos L, Giménez J, Moreno-Grau S, Tobías A, Pérez-Fernández V, Elvira-Rendeles B, Guillén JJ, Navarro C.
Daily effects of air pollutants and pollen types on asthma and COPD hospital emergency visits in the industrial and Mediterranean Spanish city of Cartagena.
Allergologia et Immunopathologia 2012; 40: 321-327
Perez L, Tobías A, Pey J, Pérez N, Alastuey A, Sunyer J, Querol X.
Effects for local and Saharan particles on daily cardiovascular mortality.
Epidemiology 2012; 23: 768-769
Perez L, Tobías A, Querol X, Pey J, Alastuey A, Díaz J, Sunyer J.
Saharan dust, particulate matter and cause specific mortality: a case-crossover in Barcelona (Spain).
Environment International 2012; 48: 150-155.
Saez M, Barcelo MA, Tobías A, Varga D, Ocana-Riola R, Mateu PJJ.
Space-time interpolation of daily air temperatures.
Journal of Environmental Statistics 2012; 3: i05
Catalá-Lopez F, Corrales-Alvarez I, Martín-Serrano G, Tobías A, Calvo G.
Risk of thromboembolism with thrombopoietin receptor agonists in adult patients with thrombocytopenia: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Medicina Clínica 2012; 139: 421-429.
Tobías A, Linares C, Díaz J.
A cautionary note to prevent the heat effects on human health.
Science of the Total Environment 2012; 439: 238-239.
Toledano E, Candelas G, Rosales Z, Martínez Prada C, León L, Abásolo L, Loza E, Carmona L, Tobías A, Jover JA.
A meta-analysis of mortality in rheumatic diseases.
Reumatología Clínica 2012; 8: 334-341.
Díaz J, Pérez L, , Linares C, Pey J, Alastruey A, Querol X, Tobías A.
A note on particulate matter, total mortality, and Saharan in Madrid.
Science of the Total Environment 2012; 441: 290.
Catalá-Lopez F, Tobías A.
Evidencia clínica procedente de comparaciones indirectas y mixtas: algunas consideraciones prácticas.
Farmacia Hospitalaria 2012; 36: 556-564
Catalá-Lopez F, Tobías A.
Síntesis de la evidencia clínica y metaanálisis en red con comparaciones indirectas.
Medicina Clínica 2013; 14: 182-187
Linares C, Tobías A, Díaz J.
¿Son efectivos los planes de prevención ante las alertas por olas de calor?
Gaceta Sanitaria 2013; 27: 188-189
Ortiz-Lucas M, Tobías A, Saz P, Sebastián JJ.
Effect of probiotic species on irritable bowel syndrome symptoms: A bring up to date meta-analysis.
Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas 2013; 105: 19-36.
Figueiro E, Carrillo de Albornoz A, Martín C, Tobías A, Herrera D.
Effect of pregnancy on gingival inflammation in systemically healthy women: a systematic review.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2013; 40: 457-473.
Catalá-López F, Sanfélix-Gimeno G, Tobías A, Hurtado I, Sanfélix-Genovés J, Peiró S.
Efficacy of osteoporosis therapies in a network meta-analysis with indirect comparisons: many concerns for new tools of evidence synthesis?
Osteoporosis International 2013; 24: 1927-1928.
Abasolo L, Tobías A, León L, Carmona L, Fernández-Rueda JL, Rodríguez AB, Toledano E, Jover JA.
Weather conditions may influence flares in rheumatoid arthritis patients: the possible effect of temperature.
Reumatología Clínica 2013; 9: 226-228
Cunill R, Castells X, Tobías A, Capellà D.
Treatment discontinuation with atomoxetine for adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a meta-analysis.
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2013; 9: 961-969.