Papers published 1996-2001
Katsouyanni K, Schwartz J, Spix C, Touloumi G, Zmirou D, Zanobetti A, Wojtyniak B, Vonk JM, Tobías A, Pönkä A, Medina S, Barchanova L, Anderson HR.
Short-term effects of air pollution on health: a European approach using epidemiological time series data. The APHEA protocol.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1996; 50 (Suppl 1): S12-S18
Sunyer J, Castellsagué J, Sáez M, Tobías A, Antó JM.
Air pollution and mortality in Barcelona.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1996; 50 (Suppl 1): S76-S80
Kogevinas M, Antó JM, Soriano JB, Tobías A, Burney P.
The risk of asthma attributable to occupational exposures.
A population based study in Spain. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1996; 154: 137-143.
Soriano JB, Tobías A, Kogevinas M, Sunyer J, Sáez M, Antó JM.
Allergen specific atopy and non-specific bronchial responsiveness: a population quantitative assessment.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1996; 154: 1636-1640.
Sunyer J, Antó JM, Kogevinas M, Soriano JB, Tobías A.
Smoking and bronchial responsiveness in nonatopic and atopic young adults.
Thorax 1997; 52: 235-238
Sunyer J, Antó JM, Kogevinas M, Barceló MA, Soriano JB, Tobías A, Muniozguren N, Martinez-Moratalla J, Payo F, Maldonado JA.
Risk factors for asthma in young adults.
European Respiratory Journal 1997; 10: 2490-2494
Touloumi G, Katsouyanni K, Zmirou D, Schwartz J, Spix C, Ponde de León A, Tobías A, Quennel P, Rabczenko D, Barcharova L, Bisanti L, Vonk JM, Ponka A.
Short-term effects of ambient oxidant exposure on mortality: a combined analysis within the APHEA project.
American Journal of Epidemiology 1997; 146: 177-185
Kogevinas M, Antó JM, J Sunyer, Soriano J, Tobías A.
RE: the risk of asthma attributable to occupational exposures: a population based study in Spain. [letter]
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1997; 155: 382-383.
Tobías A, Sunyer J, Castellsagué J, Saez M, Anto JM.
Impacto de la contaminación atmosférica sobre la mortalidad y las urgencias por EPOC y asma en Barcelona.
Gaceta Sanitaria 1998; 12: 223-228.
(Premio de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología al mejor artículo publicado en la revista Gaceta Sanitaria)
Spix C, Anderson HR, Schwartz J, Vigotti MA, Le Tertre A, Vonk JM, Touloumi G, Balducci F, Barcharova L, Tobías A, Pönkä A, Katsouyannin K.
Short term effects of air pollution on hospital admissions of respiratory diseases in Europe. A quantitative summary of APHEA study results.
Archives of Environmental Health 1998; 53: 54-64.
Sunyer J, Kogevinas M, Kromhout H, Vermeuhe V, Roca J, Tobías A, Antó JM, Payo F, Maldonado JA, Martínez-Moratalla J, Muniozguren N.
Pulmonary ventilatory defects and occupational exposures in a populations-based study in Spain.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1998; 157: 512-517
Kogevinas M, Antó JM, Tobías A, Alonso J, Soriano J, Almar E, Muniozguren N, Payo F, Pereira A, Sunyer J.
Respiratory symptoms, lung function and use of health services among unemployed young adults in Spain.
European Respiratory Journal 1998; 11: 1363-1368
Sunyer J, Antó JM, McFarlane D, Domingo A, Tobías A, Barceló MA, Muñoz A.
Sex differences in mortality of people visited in emergency rooms for asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1998; 158: 851-856
Galobardes B, Sunyer J, Antó JM, Castellasgué J, Soriano JB, Tobías A.
Effect of the method of administration , mail or telephone, on the reliability of a respiratory health questionnaire. The Spanish centres of the European asthma study.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 1998; 51: 871-878.
Coll X, Law F, Tobías A, Hawton K.
Sexual and other abuse in women who had take overdoses. I Prevalence and severity.
Archives of Suicide Research 1998; 4: 291-306.
Law F, Coll X, Tobías A, Hawton K.
Sexual and other abuse in women who had take overdoses. II Risk factors and associations.
Archives of Suicide Research 1998; 4:307-327.
Tobías A.
Media +/- DE, una expresión incorrecta. [carta]
Medicina Clínica 1998; 110: 157.
Tobías A, Scotto MG.
Suavizando los histogramas. [carta]
Gaceta Sanitaria 1998; 12: 149-150.
Tobías A.
Errores en las representaciones gráficas. [carta]
Medicina Clínica1998; 111: 79.
Tobías A.
A graphical display useful for meta-analysis: a comment. [letter]
European Journal of Public Health 1998; 8: 91-92.
Tobías A.
Dynamite plots should not be used. [letter]
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1998; 55: 361
Sáez M, Pérez-Hoyos S, Tobías A, Saurina C, Barceló MA, Ballester F.
Métodos de series temporales en los estudios epidemiológicos sobre contaminación atmosférica.
Revista Española de Salud Pública 1999; 73: 133-143
Saurina C, Barceló MA, Sáez M, Tobías A.
Contaminación fotoquímica y mortalidad en la ciudad de Barcelona, 1991-1995.
Revista Española de Salud Pública 1999; 73: 199-207
Soriano JB, Antó JM, Sunyer J, Tobías A, Kogevinas M, Almar E, Muniozguren N, Sánchez JL, Palenciano L, Burney P.
Risk of asthma in the general Spanish population attributable to specific immunoresponse.
International Journal of Epidemiology 1999; 28: 728-734
Saez M, Tobías A, Campbell MJ, Muñoz P.
A GEE-moving average analysis of the relationship between air pollution and mortality for asthma in Barcelona, Spain.
Statistics in Medicine 1999; 18: 2077-2086.
(Mención I al VII Premio Merck, Sharp & Dome de España de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología al mejor artículo de investigación)
Kogevinas M, Antó JM, Sunyer J, Tobías A, Kromhout K, Burney P.
A population based study on occupational asthma in Europe and other industrialised countries.
The Lancet 1999; 353: 1750-1753.
(Mención II al VII Premio Merck, Sharp & Dome de España de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología al mejor artículo de investigación)
Mannetje A, Kogevinas M, Luce D, Demers PA, Begin D, Bolm-Audorff U, Comba P, Gerin M, Hardell L, Hayes RB, Leclerc A, Magnani C, Merler E, Tobías A, Boffeta P.
Sinonasal cancer, occupation and tobacco smoking in european women and men.
American Journal of Industrial Medicine 1999; 36: 101-107.
Tobías A, Campbell MJ.
Modelling influenza epidemics in the relationship between black smoke and total mortality. A sensitivity analysis.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 1999; 53: 583-584
Tobías A, Campbell MJ, Sáez.
Modelling asthma epidemics in the relationship between air pollution and asthma emergency visits in Barcelona, Spain.
European Journal of Epidemiology 1999; 15: 799-803.
Sunyer J, Antó JM, Tobías A, Burney P.
Generational increase of self-reported first attack of asthma in fifteen industrialized countries.
European Respiratory Journal 1999; 14: 885-891
Tobías A, Sunyer J, Samoli E, Katsouyanni K.
Contaminación ambiental y mortalidad. Análisis de sensibilidad. [carta]
Gaceta Sanitaria 1999; 13: 73.
Tobías A.
Métodos para el análisis del impacto de la contaminación atmosférica sobre la salud. [carta]
Gaceta Sanitaria 1999; 13: 167-168.
Figueiras A, Sáez M, Tobías A.
Utilización de métodos no paramétricos para el control de variables de confusión no observadas en estudios ecológicos de series temporales. [carta]
Gaceta Sanitaria 1999; 13: 417-418.
Coll X, Law F, Tobías A, Hawton K, Tomàs J.
Relación entre abuso sexual en la infancia y sobreingesta medicamentosa en la edad adulta.
Revista de Psiquiatría Infanto-Juvenil 2000; 2: 74-86.
García-Aymerich J, Tobías A, Antó JM, Sunyer J.
Air pollution and mortality in a cohort of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A time series analysis.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2000; 54: 73-74
Sunyer J, Schwartz J, Tobías A, Macfarlane D, Garcia J, Antó JM.
Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease are a susceptible population of dying due to urban particles: a case-crossover analysis.
American Journal of Epidemiology 2000; 151: 50-56
Campbell MJ, Tobías A.
Causality and temporality in the study of short-term effects of air pollution on health.
International Journal of Epidemiology 2000; 29: 271-273
Sáez M, Sunyer J, Tobías A, Ballester F, Antó JM.
Ischaemic heart disease mortality and weather temperature in Barcelona, Spain.
European Journal of Public Health 2000; 10: 58-63.
Tobías A, Díaz J, Saez M, Alberdi JC.
Use of poisson regression and box-jenkins models to evaluate the short-term effects of environmental noise levels on daily emergency admissions in Madrid, Spain.
European Journal of Epidemiology 2001; 17: 765-771.
Coll X, Law F, Tobías A, Hawton K, Tomàs J.
Abuse and deliberate self-poisoning in women: a matched case-control study.
Child Abuse and Neglect 2001; 25: 1291-1302.
Tobías A, Soriano JB, Chinn S, Anto JM, Sunyer J, Burney P; European Community Respiratory Health Survey.
Symptoms of asthma, bronchial responsiveness and atopy in immigrants and emigrants in Europe. European Community Respiratory Health Survey.
European Respiratory Journal 2001; 18: 459-465.
Cuadrado JI, de Pedro-Cuesta J, Ara JR, Cemillán CA, Díaz M, Duarte J, Fernández MD, Fernández O, García-López F, García-Merino A, García-Montero R, Martínez-Matos JA, Palomo F, Pardo J, Tobías A; Spanish GBS Epidemiological Study Group.
Guillain-Barré syndrome in Spain, 1985-1997: epidemiological and public health views.
European Neurology 2001; 46: 83-91.
Downs SH, Mitakakis TZ, Marks GB, Car NG, Belousova EG, Leüppi JD, Xuan W, Downie SR, Tobías A, Peat JK.
Clinical importance of Alternaria exposure in children.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2001; 164: 455-459.
Campbell MJ, Julious SA, Peterson CK, Tobías A.
Atmospheric pressure and sudden infant death syndrome in Cook County, Chicago.
Paediatric Perinatal Epidemiology 2001; 15: 287-289.
Tobías A, Saez M.
Re: "Estimating particulate matter-mortality dose-response curves and threshold levels: an analysis of daily time-series for the 20 largest US cities".
American Journal of Epidemiology 2001; 153: 1027-1028.
Saez M, Figueiras A, Ballester F, Pérez-Hoyos S, Ocaña R, Tobías A.
Comparing meta-analysis and ecological-longitudinal analysis in time-series studies. A case study of the effects of air pollution on mortality in three Spanish cities.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2001; 55: 423-432.