Papers published 2014-2019
Li J, Zhuang X, Font O, Moreno N, Vallejo VR, Querol X, Tobías A.
Synthesis of merlinoite from Chinese coal fly ashes and its potential utilization as slow release K-fertilizer.
Journal of Hazardous Materials 2014; 265: 242-252.
Reyes M, Linares C, Tobías A, Montero JC, Díaz J.
Impact of Saharan dust particles on hospital admissions in Madrid.
International Journal Environmental Health Research 2014; 24: 63-72.
López-Ruíz M, Martínez JM, Perez K, Novoa AM, Tobías A, Benavides FG.
Impact of road safety interventions on traffic-related occupational injuries in Spain, 2004-2010.
Accident Analysis & Prevention 2014; 66: 114-119.
Tobías A, Catalá-López F, Roqué M.
Desarrollo de una hoja de Excel para metaanálisis de comparaciones indirectas y mixtas.
Revista Española de Salud Pública 2014; 88: 5-15
Catalá-López F, Tobías A.
Metaanálisis de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, heterogeneidad e intervalos de predicción.
Medicina Clínica 2014; 142: 270-274
Linares C, Mirón IJ, Montero JC, Criado-Álvarez JJ, Tobías A, Díaz J
The time trend temperature-mortality as a factor of uncertainty analysis of impacts of future heat waves.
Environmental Health Perspectives 2014; 122:118
Tobías A, Armstrong B, Gasparrini A, Díaz A.
Effects of high summer temperatures on mortality in 50 Spanish cities.
Environmental Health 2014; 13: 48
Pandolfi M, Tobías A, Alastuey A, Sunyer J, Schwartz J, Lorente J, Pey J, Querol X.
Effect of atmospheric mixing layer depth variations on urban air quality and daily mortality during Saharan dust outbreaks.
Science of the Total Environment 2014; 494-495: 283-289
Culqui-Levano DR, Diaz J, Simon F, Tobías A, Linares C.
Evaluation plan for surveillance and controlling of the effects of heat waves in Madrid.
International Journal of Biometeorology 2014; 58: 1799-1802
Guo Y, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Li S, Tawatsupa B, Tobías A, Lavigne E, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho, Leone M, Pan X, Tong S, Tian L, Kim H, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Leon Guo YL, Wu CF, Punnasiri K, Yi SM, Michelozzi P, Nascimento Saldiva PH, Williams G.
Global variation and consistency in the effects of ambient temperature on mortality: a systematic evaluation.
Epidemiology 2014; 25: 781-789
Tobías A, Recio A, Díaz J, Linares C.
Does traffic noise influence respiratory mortality?
European Respiratory Journal 2014; 44: 797-799.
[Europa Press | EFE | El Mundo | La Vanguardia | ABC | Público | Telecinco | Deia | El Correo Gallego | La Voz de Galicia | 20 Minutos | Qué | Diario Médico | El Economista | Tribuna Sur | La Verdad | | Agencia SINC | Radio Exterior de RNE | Cadena COPE | Radio Euskadi | Telediario La 1 - RTVE (min. 28:21)]
Ortiz-Lucas M, Tobías A, Saz P, Sebastián JJ.
Probióticos para el tratamiento específico del dolor en el síndrome del intestino irritable. Una revisión.
Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología 2014; 29: 146-155
Catalá-López F, Tobías A, Cameron C, Moher D, Hutton B.
Network meta-analysis for comparing treatment effects of multiple interventions: an introduction.
Rheumatology International 2014; 34: 1489-1496.
Catalá-López F, Tobías A, Roqué M.
Conceptos básicos del metaanálisis en red.
Atención Primaria 2014; 46: 573-581
Armstrong B, Gasparrini A, Tobías A.
Conditional Poisson models: a flexible alternative to conditional logisitic case cross-over analysis.
BMC Medical Research Methodology 2014, 14:122
Tobías A, Recio A, Díaz J, Linares C.
Health impact assessment of traffic noise in Madrid (Spain).
Environmental Research 2015; 137: 136-140
[EFE | El Pais | ABC | La Vanguardia | El Economista | El Diario Vasco | Gente despierta de RNE]
Bernal D, Campos-Serna J, Tobías A, Vargas-Prada S, Benavides FG, Serra C.
Work-related psychosocial risk factors and musculoskeletal disorders in hospital nurses and nursing aides: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
International Journal of Nursing Studies 2015; 52: 635-648.
Cunill R, Castells X, Tobías A, Capellà D.
Pharmacological treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with co-morbid drug dependence.
Journal of Psychopharmacology 2015; 29: 15-23.
Ostro B, Tobías A, Karanasiou A, Samoli E, Querol X, Rodopoulou S, Basagaña X, Eleftheriadis K, Jacquemin B, Katsouyanni K, Sunyer J, Forastiere F, Stafoggia M.
The risks of acute exposure to black carbon in Southern Europe: Results from the MED-PARTICLES project.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2015; 72: 123-129.
Tobías A, Díaz J, Recio A, Linares C.
Traffic noise and risk of mortality from diabetes.
Acta Diabetologica 2015; 52: 187-188
[El Mundo]
Viana M, Fann NL, Tobías A, Querol X, Rojas-Rueda D, Plaza A, Aynos G, Conde JA, Fernández L, Fernández C.
Environmental and health benefits from designating the Marmara Sea and the Turkish Straits as an emission control area (ECA).
Environmental Scicience and Technology 2015; 49: 3304-3313.
Catalá-López F, Hutton B, Núñez-Beltrán A, Mayhew AD, Ridao M, Page MJ, Tobías A, Catalá MA, Tabarés-Seisdedos R, Moher D.
The pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Systematic Reviews 2015; 4: 19
Tobías A, Díaz J, Recio A, Linares C.
Noise levels and cardiovascular mortality: a case-crossover analysis.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2015; 22: 496-502.
[Europa Press | EFE | La Vanguardia | Telecinco | Noticias de Navarra | La Gaceta de Salamanca | Qué | El Economista | | Gente | Diario Medico | JANO | Las mañanas de RNE (min. 46:40)]
Linares C, Carmona R, Tobías A, Mirón IJ, Díaz J
Influence of advections of particulate matter from biomass combustion on specific-cause mortality in Madrid in the period 2004-2009.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015; 22: 7012-7019.
Abasolo L, Leon L, Rodriguez-Rodriguez L, Tobías A, Rosales Z, Maria Leal J, Castaño V, Vadillo C, Macarron P, Fontsere O, Jover JA.
Safety of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and biologic agents for rheumatoid arthritis patients in real-life conditions.
Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 2015; 44: 506-513.
Gasparrini A, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Lavigne E, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Tobías A, Tong S, Rocklöv J, Forsberg B, Leone M, De Sario M, Bell ML, Leon Guo YL, Wu C, Kan H, Yi SM, Coelho M, Saldiva PHN, Honda Y, Kim H, Armstrong B.
Mortality risk attributable to high and low ambient temperature: a multi-country study.
The Lancet 2015; 386: 369-375
(Best Environmental Epidemiology Paper published in 2015)
Gasparrini A, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Kinney PL, Petkova EP, Lavigne E, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Tobías A, Leone M, Tong S, Honda Y, Kim H, Armstrong B.
Temporal variation in heat-mortality associations: a multi-country study.
Environmental Health Perspectives 2015; 123: 1200-1207
Cunill R, Castells X, Tobias A, Capellà D.
Efficacy, safety and variability in pharmacotherapy for adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a meta-analysis and meta-regression in over 9000 patients.
Pychopharmacology 2016; 233:187-197
Mazaheri M, Reche C, Rivas I, Crilley LR, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, Viana M, Tobías A, Alastuey A, Sunyer J, Querol X, Morawska L.
Variability in Exposure to Ambient Ultrafine Particles in Urban Schools: Comparative Assessment between Australia and Spain.
Environment International 2016; 88:142-149
Barceló MA, Varga D, Tobias A, Díaz J, Linares D, Saez M.
Long term effects of traffic noise on mortality in the city of Barcelona, 2004-2007.
Environmental Research 2016; 147: 193-206
Catalá-López F, Macías Saint-Gerons D, González-Bermejo D, Rosano GM, Davis BR, Ridao M, Zaragoza A, Montero-Corominas D, Tobías A, de la Fuente-Honrubia C, Tabarés-Seisdedos R, Hutton B.
Cardiovascular and renal outcomes of renin-angiotensin system blockade in adult patients with diabetes mellitus: A systematic review with network meta-analyses.
PLoS Med 2016 Mar 8; 13: e1001971
(Top 50 most downloaded PLOS Medicine paper in 2016)
García-Perdomo HA, Tobías A.
Metaanálisis en red: comparaciones indirectas y mixtas. Un nuevo método al servicio de la epidemiología clínica y la salud pública.
Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública 2016; 33: 147-153
Stafoggia M, Zauli-Sajani S, Pey J, Samoli E, Alessandrini E, Basagaña X, Cernigliaro A, Chiusolo M, Demaria M, Díaz J, Faustini A, Katsouyanni K, Kelessis AG, Linares C, Marchesi S, Medina S, Pandolfi P, Pérez N, Querol X, Randi G, Ranzi A, Tobias A, Forastiere F.
Desert dust outbreaks in Southern Europe: contribution to daily PM10 concentrations and short-term associations with mortality and hospital admissions.
Environmental Health Perspectives 2016; 142: 413-419
Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Forsberg B, Tobías A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Armstrong A, Gasparrini A.
Association of inter and intra-day temperature change with mortality.
American Journal of Epidemiology 2016; 183: 286-293
Gasparrini A, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Lavigne E, Tobías A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Leone M, Michelozzi P, Kan H, Tong S, Honda Y, Kim H, Armstrong B.
Changes in susceptibility to heat within the summer: a multi-country analysis.
American Journal of Epidemiology 2016; 183: 1027-1036
Lopez-Jornet P, Sanchez Perez A, Mendes Rui A, Tobias A.
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: Is autologous platelet concentrate application effective for prevention and treatment? A systematic review.
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 2016; 44: 1067-1072.
Escribano M, Figuero E, Martín C, Tobías A, Serrano J, Roldán S, Herrera D.
Efficacy of adjunctive anti-plaque chemical agents: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of plaque index.
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2016; 43: 1059-1073.
Samoli E, Jovanovic Andersen J, Katsouyanni K, Henning F, Kuhlbusch TAJ, Bellander T, Cattani G, Cyrys J, Forastiere F, Jacquemin B, Kulmala M, Lanki T, Loft S, Massling A, Tobías A, Stafoggia S.
Exposure to ultrafine particles and respiratory hospitalizations in five European cities.
European Respiratory Journal 2016; 48: 674-682
Guo Y, Gasparrini G, Armstrong B, Tawatsupa B, Tobias A, Lavigne E, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Pan X, Kim H, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Guo YL, Wu CF, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell ML, Overcenco A, Punnasiri K, Li S, Tian L, Saldiva P, Williams G, Tong S.
Temperature variability and mortality: a multi-country study.
Environmental Health Perspectives 2016; 124: 1554-1559
Tobías A, Armstrong B, Gasparrini A.
Investigating uncertainty in the minimum mortality temperature: methods and application to 52 Spanish cities.
Epidemiology 2017; 28: 72-76
García-Perdomo HA, Echeverría-García F, Tobías A.
Effectiveness of Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with spinal cord trauma: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Urologia Internationalis 2017; 98: 198-204
Rodriguez-Barranco M, Tobías A, Redondo D; Molina E, Sanchez MJ.
Standardizing effect size from linear regression models with log-transformed variables for meta-analysis.
BMC Medical Research Methodology 2017; 17: 44
Molina A, García-Gargallo M, Montero E, Tobías A, Sanz M, Martín C.
Clinical efficacy of desensitizing mouthwashes for the control of dentin hypersensitivity and root sensitivity: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
International Journal of Dental Hygiene 2017; 15: 84-94.
Riera M, Castells X, Tobías A, Cunill R, Blanco L, Capellà D.
Discontinuation of pharmacological treatment of children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Meta-analysis of 63 studies enrolling 11,788 patients.
Psychopharmacology 2017; 234: 2657-2671.
Guo Y, Gasparrini A, Armstrong BG, Tawatsupa B, Tobias A, Lavigne E, Coelho MSZS, Pan X, Kim H, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Guo YL, Wu CF, Zanobetti A, Schwartz JD, Bell ML, Scortichini M, Michelozzi P, Punnasiri K, Li S, Tian L, Garcia SDO, Seposo X, Overcenco A, Zeka A, Goodman P, Dang TN, Dung DV, Mayvaneh F, Saldiva PHN, Williams G, Tong S.
Heat wave and mortality: A multicountry, multicommunity study.
Environmental Health Perspectives 2017; 125: 087006
Armstrong B, Bell ML, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Leon Guo YL, Guo Y, Goodman P, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Kim H, Lavigne E, Michelozzi P, Hilario Nascimento Saldiva P, Schwartz J, Scortichini M, Sera F, Tobias A, Tong S, Wu CF, Zanobetti A, Zeka A, Gasparrini A.
Longer-term impact of high and low temperature on mortality: An international study to clarify length of mortality displacement.
Environmental Health Perspectives 2017; 125: 107009
Mitchell-Jones N, Farren JA, Tobias A, Bourne T, Bottomley C.
Ambulatory versus inpatient management of severe nausea and vomiting of pregnancy: a randomised control trial with patient preference arm.
BMJ Open 2017; 7: e017566
Gasparrini A, Guo Y, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Huber V, Tong S, Stagliorio Coelho MSZ, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Matus P, Valdes N, Kan H, Osorio A, Kyselý J, Urban A, Jaakkola JJ, Ryti N, Pascal M, Goodman PG, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hurtado-Diaz M, Cruz JC, Seposo X, Kim H, Tobías A, Iñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström DO, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Wu C, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell ML, Dang TN, Van DD, Heaviside C, Vardoulakis S, Hajat S, Haines A, Armstrong B.
Projections of temperature-related excess mortality under climate change scenarios.
The Lancet Planetary Health 2017; 1: e360-e367
Lee W, Bell ML, Gasparrini A, Armstrong BG, Sera F, Hwang S, Lavigne E, Zanobetti A, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Osorio S, Tobias A, Zeka A, Goodman PG, Forsberg B, Rocklöv J, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Guo YL, Seposo X, Van Dung D, Dang TN, Tong S, Guo Y, Kim H.
Mortality burden of diurnal temperature range and its temporal changes: A multi-country study.
Environment International 2018; 110: 123-130
Tobías A, Rivas I, Reche C, Alastuey A, Rodríguez S, Fernández-Camacho R, Sánchez de la Campa AM, de la Rosa J, Sunyer J, Querol X.
Short-term effects of ultrafine particles on daily mortality by primary vehicle exhaust versus secondary origin in three Spanish cities.
Environment International 2018; 111: 144-155
Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Sera F, Guo Y, Chung Y, Arbuthnott K, Tong S, Tobías A, Lavigne E, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Goodman PG, Zekak A, Hashizume M, Hondam Y, Kim H, Ragettli MS.
A multi-country analysis on potential adaptive mechanisms to cold and heat in a changing climate.
Environment International 2018; 111: 239-246
Prats-Uribe A, Tobías A, Prieto-Alhambra D.
Excess risk of fatal road traffic accidents on the day of daylight saving time change.
Epidemiology 2018; 29: e44-e45
Guo Y, Gasparrini A, Li S, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Tawatsupa B, Punnasiri K, Overcenco A, Matus P, Valdes N, Kan H, Osorio S, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Goodman PG, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Seposo X, Kim H, Tobías A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström DO, Guo YL, Chen B, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Dang TN, Van DD, Bell ML, Armstrong B, Ebi KL, Tong S.
Quantifying excess deaths related to heatwaves under climate change scenarios: A multi-country study.
Plos Medicine 2018; 15: e1002629
Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Guo Y, Sera F, Huber V, Schleussner CF, Mitchell D, Tong S, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Matus P, Valdes N, Kan H, Osorio S, Kyselý J, Urban A, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Pascal M, Goodman PG, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hurtado M, De La Cruz JC, Seposo X, Kim H, Tobías A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström DO, Ragettli MS, Röösli M, Guo YL, Wu C, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell ML, Dang TN, Van DD, Heaviside C, Vardoulakis S, Hajat S, Haines A, Armstrong B, Ebi KL, Gasparrini A.
Temperature-mortality impacts under and beyond Paris Agreement climate change scenarios.
Climatic Change 2018; 150: 391-402
Marí-Dell’Olmo M, Tobías A, Gómez A, Rodríguez-Sanz M, García de Olalla P, Camprubí E, Gasparrini A, Borrell C.
Social inequalities in the association between temperature and mortality in a South European context.
International Journal of Public Health 2019; 64: 27-37
(Awarded 3rd at the International Journal of Public Health call “Environmental and Health Equity”)
Sera F, Armstrong B, Tobias A, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Åström C, Bell ML, Chen BY, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Matus Correa P, Cruz JC, Dang TN, Hurtado-Diaz M, Do Van D, Forsberg B, Guo YL, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Iñiguez C, Jaakkola JJK, Kan H, Kim H, Lavigne E, Michelozzi P, Ortega NV, Osorio S, Pascal M, Ragettli MS, Ryti NRI, Saldiva PHN, Schwartz J, Scortichini M, Seposo X, Tong S, Zanobetti A, Gasparrini A.
How urban characteristics affect vulnerability to heat and cold: a multi-country analysis.
International Journal of Epidemioly 2019; 48: 1101-1112
Ribalta C, López-Lilao A, Estupiñá S, Fonseca AS, Tobías A, García-Cobos A, Minguillón MC, Monfort E, Viana M.
Health risk assessment from exposure to particles during packing in working environments.
Science of the Total Environment 2019; 671: 474-487.
Tobías A, Casals M, Peña J, Tebé C.
FIFA World Cup and climate change: correlation is not causation.
Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte 2019; 57: 280-283
Salvador P, Molero F, Fernandez AJ, Tobías A, Pandolfi M, Gómez-Moreno FJ, Barreiro M, Pérez N, Martínez Marco I, Aránzazu Revuelta M, Querol X, Artíñano B.
Synergistic effect of the occurrence of African dust outbreaks on atmospheric pollutant levels in the Madrid metropolitan area.
Atmospheric Research 2019; 226: 208-218.
Figuero E, Herrera D, Tobías A, Serrano J, Roldán S, Escribano M, Martín C.
Efficacy of adjunctive anti-plaque chemical agents in managing gingivitis: a systematic review and network meta-analyses.
Journal of Clinical Periodontolology 2019; 46: 723-739.
Catalá-López F, Ridao M, Hurtado I, Núnez-Beltrán A, Gènova-Maleras R, Alonso-Arroyo A, Tobías A, Aleixandre-Benavent R, Catalá MA, Tabarés-Seisdedos R.
Prevalence and comorbidity of autism spectrum disorder in Spain: study protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.
Systematic Reviews 2019; 8: 141
Querol X, Tobías A, Pérez N, Karanasioua A, Amato F, Stafoggia M, Pérez García-Pando C, Ginoux P, Forastiere F, Gumye S, Mudue P, Alastuey A.
Monitoring the impact of desert dust outbreaks for air quality for health studies.
Environment International 2019; 130: 104867
Pérez-Crespo L, Prats-Uribe A, Tobías A, Durán-Tauleria E, Coronado R, Hervás A, Guxens M.
Temporal and geographical variability of prevalence and incidence of autism spectrum disorder diagnoses in children in Catalonia, Spain.
Autism Research 2019; 12: 1693-1705
(Top 10% most downloaded Wiley paper in 2018-2019)
Lee JL, Kim H, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Bell MJ, Sera F, Lavigne E, Abrutzky R, Tong S, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Matus Correa P, Valdes Ortega N, Kan H, Osorio Garcia S, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orrur H, Indermitte E, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Pascal M, Goodman PG, Zeka A, Michelozzi P, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hurtadoa M, Cruz J, Seposo X, Nunes B, Teixeira JP, Tobías A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Ragettli MS, Guo YLL, Chen BY, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Dang TN, Van DD, Mayvaneh F, Overcenco A, Liap S, Guo Y.
Predicted temperature-increase-induced global health burden and its regional variability.
Environment International 2019; 131: 105027
Tobías A, Karanasiou A, Amato F, Roqué M, Querol X.
Health effects of desert dust and sand storms: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol.
BMJ Open 2019; 9: e029875
García-Lledó A, Rodríguez-Martín S, Tobías A, Martín JA, Ansede Cascudo JC, de Abajo FJ.
Olas de calor, temperatura ambiente y riesgo de infarto de miocardio: un estudio ecológico en la Comunidad de Madrid.
Revista Española de Cardiología 2019; 73: 300-306
Hurtado-Díaz M, Cruz JC, Texcalac-Sangradora JL, Félix-Arellanoa EE, Gutiérrez-Ávila I, Briseño-Pérez AA, Saavedra-Lara N, Tobías A, Riojas-Rodríguez H.
Short-term effects of ambient temperature on non-external and cardiovascular mortality among older adults of metropolitan areas of Mexico.
International Journal of Biometeorology 2019; 63: 1641-1650.
Liu C, Chen R, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Guo Y, Tong S, Coelho MSZS, Saldiva PHN, Lavigne E, Matus P, Valdes N, Osorio S, Pascal M, Stafoggia M, Scortichini M, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Hurtado-Díaz M, Cruz J, Nunes B, Teixeira JP, Kim H, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Forsberg B, Åström C, Ragettli MS, Guo YL, Chen BY, Bell ML, Wright CY, Scovronick N, Garland RM, Milojevic A, Kyselý J, Urban A, Orru H, Indermitte E, Jaakkola JJK, Ryti NRI, Katsouyanni K, Analitis A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Chen J, Wu T, Cohen A, Gasparrini A, Kan H.
Ambient particulate air pollution and daily mortality in 652 cities.
New England Journal of Medicine 2019; 381: 705-715
(Included in the New England Medical Journal Notable Articles of 2019)
Armstrong B, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Abrutzky R, Åström DO, Bell ML, Chen BY, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Correa PM, Dang TN, Diaz MH, Dung DV, Forsberg B, Goodman P, Guo YL, Guo Y, Hashizume M, Honda Y, Indermitte E, Íñiguez C, Kan H, Kim H, Kyselý J, Lavigne E, Michelozzi P, Orru H, Ortega NV, Pascal M, Ragettli MS, Saldiva PHN, Schwartz J, Scortichini M, Seposo X, Tobias A, Tong S, Urban A, De la Cruz Valencia C, Zanobetti A, Zeka A, Gasparrini A.
The role of humidity in associations of high temperature with mortality: a multicountry, multicity study.
Environmental Health Perspectives 2019; 127: 97007
Shahsavani A, Tobías A, Querol X, Stafoggia M, Abdolshahnejad M, Mayvaneh F, Guo Y, Hadei M, Saeed Hashemi S, Khosravi A, Namvar Z, Yarahmadi M, Emam B.
Short-term effects of particulate matter during desert and non-desert dust days on mortality in Iran.
Environment International 2019; 134: 105299
Kim Y, Kim H, Gasparrini A, Armstrong B, Honda Y, Chung Y, Ng CFS, Tobias A, Íñiguez C, Lavigne E, Sera F, Vicedo-Cabrera AM, Ragettli MS, Scovronick N, Acquaotta F, Chen BY, Guo YL, Seposo X, Dang TN, de Sousa Zanotti Stagliorio Coelho M, Saldiva PHN, Kosheleva A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J, Bell ML, Hashizume M.
Suicide and ambient temperature: A Multi-Country Multi-City Study.
Environmental Health Perspectives 2019; 127: 117007
Royé D, Codesido R, Tobías A, Taracido M.
Heat wave intensity and daily mortality in four of the largest cities of Spain.
Environmetal Ressearch 2019; 182: 109027